All articles by Polly Bindman

Polly Bindman

Polly Bindman is a data journalist and sustainable finance reporter based in London. She has worked for Capital Monitor and the New Statesman.

How to mobilise private finance for climate adaptation

Private finance investment in climate adaptation is sorely needed. However, it is vital that adaptation needs are treated as a collective problem to solve, rather than an opportunity to exploit.

“There is politics, and there is business; the reality is ESG is good business” – UNEP FI’s Eric Usher 

Energy Monitor talks to Eric Usher, head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI), about the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) and the next steps for financial institutions transitioning to net zero.

“17 hours” to save climate conference as UAE publishes new COP28 outcome

Latest draft of COP28 Global Stocktake dubbed “incoherent and dangerous” as language on fossil fuel phaseout is removed.

Why climate stress tests are not fit for purpose

Scenarios used by central banks to conduct climate-risk stress tests have been criticised as not fit for purpose because they fail to account for severe economic shocks caused by climate “tipping points”.

Shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic: is ESG a redundant concept?

Institutions across the globe have welcomed the ISSB’s much-anticipated inaugural global sustainability standards. However, some industry experts warn that too much focus on standardising data could distract from the urgent need to decarbonise.

Why ESG funds are full of fossil fuels (but that’s okay) 

A total of 82.8% of sustainable funds contain at least some exposure to companies producing fossil fuels.

A growing mismatch between financial institutions’ net-zero targets and corporate energy transition plans 

Credible corporate transition plans are few and far between, according to the Carbon Disclosure Project

The “Great Reclassification” of sustainable funds

EU Taxonomy for sustainable investments aims to clamp down on greenwashing in the EU.